Pricing Transparency

Standard Charges

Updated July 1, 2024

As of January 1, 2021, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) requires that hospitals post standard charges for medical items and health care services that you might receive at any Exalt Health Rehabilitation Hospital.  Below is the list of standard charges for Exalt Health Rehabilitation Hospital’s items and services.


Shoppable Services

Updated July 1, 2024

As of January 1, 2021, The Centers for Medicare Services (CMS) requires that all hospitals provide a list of their “shoppable services.” CMS has defined a “shoppable service” as a service package that can be scheduled by a health care consumer in advance. Shoppable services are typically those that are routinely provided in non-urgent situations that do not require immediate action or attention to the patient, thus allowing patients to price shop and schedule a service at a time that is convenient for them.

Exalt Health Rehabilitation Hospital does not provide any services that can be scheduled in advance. Please refer to Exalt Health Rehabilitation Hospital‘s list of standard charges for charges related to those items and services provided to patients admitted as an inpatient to Exalt Health Rehabilitation Hospital.


Chargemaster Information

The information provided below shows only the prices for individual items or services that may be charged to a patient during their stay at our hospital. This does not show how much the hospital is paid or reimbursed for the care provided to a patient in our hospital. The amount you may have to pay depends on your specific insurance coverage.